Jin Shin Jyutsu “The Japanese Healing Art of Harmony”

Jin Shin Jyutsu® is a Japanese Healing Art which harmonizes, body, mind, and spirit. Jin Shin Jyutsu utilizes a form of light touch on 26 specific locations that exist on each side of the body.

Jin Shin Jyutsu facilitates balance in the body’s energy systems, therefore promoting well-being, and does not involve manipulation of muscles, pressure of any type of massage.

The Art of Jin Shin Jyutsu is a simple and powerful tool, easy to learn, easy to apply, and can be taught to all for self-help as well.

What is Jin Shin Jyutsu?

For centuries, the existence of forms of energy which surround and affect everyone have been recognized and practiced under various names and used in different ways. Medical science is aware of the existence of fields of energy and has been searching for the possibilities of employing them to reverse the course of progressing (dis)harmonies. Medical science has also recognized the fact that spontaneous remissions of disharmony, pain, or illness occur. What is not clear is the mechanism by which disharmony, pain, and illness can suddenly and spontaneously disappear. What is the energy source is at work in these cases? and why can’t simple remission be called upon whenever needed?

Disharmony, pain and illness are all thought to be results of a disturbance occurring between various energies as they move through us. Jin Shin Jyutsu, is the distillation and refinement of the total body of knowledge as handed down from ancient and proven healing art forms. Unlike some other healing arts, Jin Shin Jyutsu is non-invasive and painless.

The Jin Shin Jyutsu practitioner determines the direction of energy-flow by “listening” to the twelve separate “pulses” and their corresponding “depths.” Once these energies are found to be out of rhythm or in disharmony with the other energies or forces, the practitioner’s goal is to harmonize this energy so that it can work in unison with the others. When all energies in the body are in harmony, healing can occur. Jin Shin Jyutsu is not massage, or does not include manipulation of the muscles or bones, or the use of drugs or needles. Treatments are done by placing the fingertips over clothing, on the various “safety energy locks,” in-order to restore and harmonize the flow of energy. Jin Shin Jyutsu facilitates balance to the body’s energy systems, allowing the body to function, feel better and heal quicker.

Perhaps the most fitting analogy regarding the art of Jin Shin Jyutsu is the likening of Jin Shin Jyutsu to a pair of jumper cables applied to a dead battery. The battery comes to life, almost instantaneously, when the “jumper cables” are attached, and the car’s engine can run once again.

By unlocking the correct “safety energy locks,” the various energies are once again harmonized. Since the body is capable of healing itself, the practitioner merely enables the “receiver’s” body to harmonize its own energies.

What to expect from a session

Jin Shin Jyutsu® sessions are approximately one hour, client’s lying fully on their back on a padded table. Each session is individualized and customized based on pulse listening, body reading, and client requests.

The practitioner “listens” to the wrist pulses which indicates the area of the body that needs attention or harmonizing. The practitioner gently places their fingertips or hands along specific locations (known as “Safety Energy Locks” or SEL’s) on the body. This stimulates the circulation of the energy pathways which helps to clear accumulated tension and stress. Release of tension and stress helps the body to regain harmony.

Benefits of Jin Shin Jyutsu

*Increases Energy

*Mental Clarity

*Reduce Aches and Pains *Boost your Immune System *Reduce Pain from Chronic Illnesses Such as:

Arthritis, Chronic fatigue, Fibromyalgia, or Lupus

*Improved Sleep

*Repair Broken Bones Quicker

*Reduce Depression


*Cope with Addictions

*Speed up Healing Time from Traumas, such as: Surgeries and Accidents. In addition to providing individual treatments, we can also teach you how to practice Jin Shin Jyutsu Self-help.

You can practice Self-help anywhere: at home, at work, or even while traveling.

You can also teach your children, family, and friends how to hold different points on the body or finger postures that will help them with mood swings, pain and illness.

If you have never experienced a Jin Shin Jyutsu session, you should treat yourself to one of the most wonderful treatments you will ever have. Please feel free to contact us for a session or to help you find a practitioner around the world.

“Be the Smile”